Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Objective Morality - Why God isn't Objective

It is often said, by professors of more "Sophisticated" theology and apologetics, that God provides us with an objective morality and that without it we are unable to condemn any action as being immoral or moral. It does not take long after this statement is made for the Godwin's to start piling up, for Slippery slopes of the most well lubricated variety to burst forth from the ground like weeds, proclaiming that without an objective morality babies would be tortured in the streets and that no argument could ever be presented for the aforementioned actions immorality; Morals are just opinions, subjective, "untouchable".

Now, I'm not writing this post to demolish the flawed, unreasoned, emotionally driven argument found in the Argument from Morality; Such has been done before, by people far more eloquent and intelligent than myself. No, this post is being written because every time I see this argument brought up in a debate I often wonder why, in my opinion, the "base" of the argument is always granted by the opposing (often atheist) side.

Why is it given as granted that God even can be a source of Objective morality? Let alone the copious amounts of flaws that follow.

Whilst there is no universally accepted definition of what "Objective" is, the most common and well accepted definition is that, for something to be objectively true or false, the statement must be true or false "Mind-independent". That its truth is not Dependant on bias, personal feelings, or the existence of a conscious being.

But is God not described as a mind? Does God not have feelings? Emotions? Is God not a sentient, conscious entity? Every description of God I've ever heard, from the most fundamental right wing version of "God" to the most wishy washy left wing version, From Judaism to Mormonism, God is and has all of those things.

And thus I propose what God's morality would truly be; Subjective, but imposed. God's morality is, in fact, no less subjective than yours or mine, It is formed in the mind of God, through Gods personal feelings and biases, and then imposed on by this celestial dictator.

Even in a universe ruled by God(s), Morality would still not be Objective.

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