Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Pope Vs Justice

Category : Politics, News, Religion

Fiat justitia ruat caelum - "May justice be done though the heavens fall."

In recent months (and indeed years) It has come to clearer and clearer light that The Roman Catholic Church has been at the heart of the single largest child abuse/rape scandal that has ever had the misfortune of blighting our species. Over countless decades, in countries spanning the face of the Earth, hundreds..If Not thousands..Of children have had their lives ruined by Catholic priests and then have been abandoned, threatened, silenced or bribed by the Church in the name of Public relations and the conservation of power; The same church that is a source of morality, guidance and example for over a billion people worldwide.

The depth and detail of the churches crimes are too great for me to delve into without needing hours to write this blog, so instead, here are some links to articles that offer some small view of the totality of recent events

Starting from The Murphy report, released in 2009, which was "commissioned by the Irish government to investigate the way in which the church dealt with allegations of sexual abuse of children by priests over the period 1975 to 2004. It concluded that "the Dublin Archdiocese's pre-occupations in dealing with cases of child sexual abuse, at least until the mid 1990s, were the maintenance of secrecy, the avoidance of scandal, the protection of the reputation of the Church, and the preservation of its assets"

(the following links are in chronological order, and you'll notice they snowball as people find the courage to speak up, and, i have left a significant number of articles out so that you don't have novels to read)

-BBC Article, 9th Of March, Described as "One of The worst cases in the Murphy report"

-An Article from 'The Independant, 15th of March, an analysis of scandal in the church as more sexual abuse cases emerge

-Christopher Hitchens in "Slate" gives a summary of the charges the Pope and RCC face (as of the 15th of March)

-Cases (over 150) of Sexual abuse arise in German RCC, March 16th

-Cases spring up in Brazilian RCC, March 17th

-Pope publishes "Letter of Apology" to Irelands catholics ("We raped your kids and covered it up, Sorry!")

-March 24th, Pope refused to defrock priest that raped 200 deaf boys in Wisconsin

-March 26th, Similar cases to Wisconsin scandal appear in Italy, French Catholic priest claim the scandal is being used to attack the Pope Personally (Even though the Pope has been heavily implicated and evidenced in the cover up, silencing, aiding and abetting of Rapist priests)

-March 26th, The Pope blames the Media for "attacking the Church"

-March 28th, Pope calls global sex scandal "Petty Gossip", and is upset that the Church is being criticized

-April 2nd, The Popes personal preacher
compares criticism of the pontiff and Church over child abuse to "collective violence" suffered by the Jews

-April 4th, New information arises implicating that the late Pope John Paul also covered up the Abuse of Children

-The Bishop of Tenerife blames Child abuse on the Children (Seriously. Seriously)

-April 10th, The Pope loses all ability to deny knowledge or involvement as more evidence, with his signature on it, arises. Pope lets convicted child rapist back into church to repeat offend

-April 11th, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins Prepare legal case against Pope for when he Visits Britain in September

-April 12th, Popes second in command blames the Scandal on Homosexuality

And that brings us pretty much up to date, as far as major events go, but bare in mind, as I said before - This is just the summary, there is plenty more detail that I have had to leave out because I want to sleep tonight and I don't think I could stomach any more of this right now.

I should not have to write a long argument as to why the Pope, and more than a handful of priests and bishops, should rightly be facing the courts. I should not have to write even a short argument over why they should end up in the docks.

Pope "Joey Rat" Benedict has committed crimes, terrible crimes, against his fellow man; Some of which constitute as crimes against humanity - There should be no question, no hesitation...And yet there is.

Catholics are not speaking up, and those that are tend to be protecting and defending the Pope and the Church's actions, in fact, the ONLY true outcry over this has been from humanists, secularists, atheists...The same people that Catholics and the religious alike often claim "Have no Morals", the same people that moderates claim "Are no better or worse than Religious people". Such Irony has not escaped me and nor will it be forgotten.

Worse still, because us Godless heathens are seemingly the only voices crying out for Justice against the white noise of Evil being defended, It is being claimed that our actions are being driven by our "Hatred of Religion"


We are driven by our will to see that Crimes do not go unpunished, that no mortal man is above the law, that no position in any institution can exonerate you from your actions
. Perhaps, To all those who claim that Our calls for Justice are veiled attacks at religion, you should not be questioning our motives for speaking out, but questioning your own motives for remaining silent.

- Fiat justitia ruat caelum

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