Category : Personal
Just what the Internet needs! Another blog!
If you're reading this you're either part of the special group of people that are going to join me on our journey through time, space and the Internet from the very beginning, OR, you're searching through the yet-unwritten archives of my blog from way in the future. If you happen to fall into the latter - HELLO FROM THE PAST! Has 3D television taken off or has it shown itself to be just another fad?
The reason I've decided to start this blog is actually pretty simple, I used to do video's on youtube under the name "DeusExNihilum" (Click here to visit my Youtube channel) but I've been finding it increasingly difficult to make video's for various reasons which I won't bore you with, Needless to say, starting a blog means that I can still produce content AND I can produce more of it in less time, so who is the winner here? Why you, of course!
As with my videos, this blog will be covering topics such as Science, Scepticism, Secularism, Politics, World News, Godlessness and anything else that happens to take my fancy, all delivered in a neat package of English dry wit and humour. In other words, without exaggerating too much, this is going to be the most perfect blog that has ever graced the internet.
And since I'll always be looking for new content to comment on, if you find anything interesting (news stories, blog posts, articles, etc) and you'd like me to have a look you can e-mail me at!
First entry to come soon!
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